Community Employment at Ashbourne Community Centre
Ashbourne Community Employment Scheme
Ashbourne & District Community Council began sponsoring FAS employment schemes in the late 80’s. The first Social Employment Scheme (SES) was based in the then Pitch & Putt Club, now the Baseball Centre with just two participants. In 1995, the scheme took in the greater Community Centre complex and the scheme name was changed from SES to Community Employment, CE.
Joining Together
In the mid nineties, there were a number of small schemes in Ashbourne and the Community Council were asked to amalgamate all the schemes under one ADCC umbrella. Since then participant numbers have varied from thirty two in times of high unemployment to the twenty places sanctioned now. When FAS was dissolved in 2013 Community Employment schemes were taken over and run by the Department of Innovation, Trade and Employment and now they are governed by the Dept of Social Protection.
Caring for the Community
Currently, twelve of the scheme participants are employed at the community centre in caretaking, maintenance and reception duties; two participants work in Ashbourne Utd Soccer grounds; two participants work in the Citizens Information Centre; one participant is assigned to Donaghmore Ashbourne GAA complex and another participant carries out caretaking duties in Curragha Parish grounds.
Training Opportunities
Training is obligatory on Community Employment and Dept of Social Protection provides an annual budget of €250 per participant. All participants have different levels of skill and ability so, in conjunction with the supervisor and with the participant development officer, an individual learning plan is devised for each participant and appropriate accredited training modules are organised.
Eligibility criteria
Generally speaking, prospective participants must be in receipt of a payment from Dept of Social Welfare for 12 months prior to application. A comprehensive list of eligibility criteria is available on Citizens Information and Social Protection websites.
Hours of work: 19.5 hours per week
Minimum payment: €215.50 for individual
How to apply: Discuss interest with case officers/Intreo office personnel as all participants must be referred by Dept of Social Protection.
Vacancies are published on website, in local magazines and church bulletins.