Ashbourne Community Centre
It's not just all sports! Book one of our rooms and create your own club!
Main Hall
The main hall is obviously the largest room in the building, but again it is a multi purpose room. This hall obviously can have indoor soccer, basketball, badminton etc., but it can also be used for events. There is no alcohol licence in the centre, but soft drinks are permitted. This hall is so diverse, we have had a wrestling ring and an indoor circus in this hall.
Possible Uses
Indoor Sports
Music Events
Public Events
Business Dispays
& more...
Squash Court / Exercise Room 1
The squash court has been extensively refurbished with a viewing gallery from upstairs. It is of championship size and the floor has been resurfaced. Of course it is suitable for squash, racquetball and other similar sports, but we are getting increasing demand for it to be used for exercise classes e.g. step aerobics.
Possible Uses
Exercise Classes
Aerobics / Pilates
& more...
Handball Alley / Exercise Room 2
The handball alley has also been extensively renovated, and is championship standard. This room can also be used similarly to the squash court, and may be suited for dance classes, or other related activities. It would be ideal for the fun - dance type exercise classes that are popular today.
Possible Uses
Dance Groups
Drama Practice
Aerobics / Pilates
& more...
Upstairs Kitchen Area / Meeting Room 1
This large room also contains the kitchen which is suitable for serving teas, coffee's, and light snacks if your event needed it. It has a large viewing gallery onto the main hall. This room can be used as a meeting room, or would be ideal for something like a bridge club or a chess club, as tables can be put up or down.
Possible Uses
Birthday Parties
Light catering events
& more...
Upstairs Meeting Room 2
Along with being ideal for meetings, this would be the best room for running a training course. The size and shape of the room lends itself to being just right for running classes for about 10 to 15 people depending on the course be given. This room has wifi access and plently of plug and network points. Once again, like all the rooms in the building, it is a multi purpose room.
Possible Uses
Training Courses
Educational Talks
& more...
Ground Floor Multipurpose / Meeting Room 3
This is a bright modern multi purpose room on the ground floor. This makes it perfect for young and old as there is a less abled toilet on the ground floor. Clubs with members in senior years and less abled, may not be suited to using the rooms upstairs, so try and book this one if that is the situation. It is sometimes used as a pre school and then has yoga classes.
Possible Uses
Pre School
Seniors Clubs
& more...
Front Grass Area
This grass area is kept in pristine condition and make it suitable for a variety of outdoor activities. The advantage of running lets say your kettle bells classes here is that you have the comfort of our brand new changing and shower facilities. This area is also used by summer camps and once or twice a circus!
Possible Uses
Kettle Bells
Circuit Training
Summer Camps
Outdoor Exercise
& more...
Car Park / Park n Ride
The community centre car park charges just €2 and you can stay there all day. If you're attending an event at the centre, then you know it's not going to cost you an arm and a leg. It also just happens to be beside the main bus stop, so some people use it as a park and ride to get the bus for the rest of their journey. Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any loss or damage in the car park whatsoever.
Possible Uses
Car Park
Park and Ride
Fun Fairs
School Drop off Pick up
& more...